A 67-year-old gentleman presented to the A&E with acute abdominal pain with distention. He has not opened his bowel for five days nor passed any flatus. He reported 3 episodes of vomiting. PMH of diverticulosis and long-standing constipation on laxatives & Right THR. O/E, his abdomen is markedly distended & there is diffuse tenderness on palpation. A CT Abdomen & Pelvis has been requested by the surgical Reg on-call which showed dilated bowel loops & a lesion at the transition point. The surgery team is consulted and he is prepped for surgical intervention.

Sigmoid Volvulus

  • Large bowel obstruction from other causes
  • Caecal volvulus
  • Colonic pseudo-obstruction
  • Chronic constipation and/or laxative abuse
  • Fiber-rich diet 
  • Chagas disease

PH : 7.3
PaO2 : 12.3 Kpa
PaCo2 : 3.9 Kpa
BE : -6
HCO3 : 18
Lactate : 4

Partially compensated metabolic acidosis; due to lactic acidosis by ischæmic bowel or sepsis.

  1. Labs : FBC, CRP, U&Es, ABG
  2. Imaging
  • Abdominal radiographs
  • Computed tomography (CT) of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 

  1. Managing this patient according to Care of The Critically Ill Surgical Patient Protocol; ABCDE Approach
  2. Nil by mouth, NGT insertion, IVF, IV Antibiotics, correct any electrolyte imbalance
  3. Without ischemia or perforation Endoscopic detorsion (via flatus tube insertion under rigid/flexible sigmoidoscopy)  successfully treats around 85% of patients 
  4. With ischemia or perforation exploratory laparotomy and Hartmann’s procedure if sigmoid colon is the affected part.